News, Event & Activities

At GLP, we are one big, close-knit family. We work and have fun together. We help each other to overcome challenges, personal or career wise. Group trainings are provided from time to time. We also make it a point to support, acknowledge and celebrate each other’s achievements.

Company Annual Dinner 2022
Monthly Gathering
Golden Eagle Award 2022
Star Property Award 2022
New Project Briefing
BBQ Gathering
8 Master Class Training
Games Training
Birthday Celebration
New Agent Sharing
Sharing and Brainstorming

Group Achievements and Awards

We have won numerous awards over the years. Our impeccable track record and class-leading team continue to grow as we become the number one property investment hub in Malaysia.

Golden Eagle Award 2022

Star Property Award 2022

Star Property Award 2021

Real Estate Special Award 2019

News Appearance

We have shared numerous articles on the local newspaper over the years. Tap on the image to learn more about property investment and career as a property agent.